Our daily diet affects all systems and organs of the body, bypassing the reproductive system. Thus, some products can in no way affect the severity of sexual desire, while others, on the contrary, can cause our body to react violently "from heaven" in the true sense of the word. You can increase your potential by adjusting your diet, which improves your sex life.
Which products will be a true friend for stormy and high quality sex. Let's try to figure it out together.
Potency-boosting products
First you will need to limit the sugar and pull the fork for honey, just choose carefully so as not to get diluted with sugar.
In addition to honey, other sweet foods, including nuts, are good allies in strengthening erections. First place in the list for walnuts, then peanuts and hazelnuts.
You can mix honey with nuts - you get a healthy flavor, do not overdo it on the way to the result - such a delicacy should be eaten for a maximum of 1 to 2 tablespoons a day and preferably a few hours before bedtime.
To replace walnuts, honey is obtained from a fine mixture of sesame seeds or plums or seeds (previously peeled).
And, of course, in a matter like potential products, animal protein, ie meat, should not be neglected, but it is fat-free. However, it is not necessary to eat only meat, it should be diluted with vegetables, mushrooms, onions, sauerkraut, turnips are perfect for garnish.

Seafood is a separate topic in terms of improving erections, because they are just a storehouse of nutrients.
You should try to use different herbs more often: dill, cumin, parsley, celery, mint and red pepper (if everything is in order in your stomach).
Milk and sour milk products such as cottage cheese, kefir, cottage cheese and sour cream.
Garlic and onions are not the best friends of kisses, but they are good helpers for what happens after them. Onions and garlic can be consumed both separately and as part of a meal, provided that everything is suitable for the gastrointestinal tract.
Potency-reducing products
Now let's talk about products that may not be a direct enemy for a good erection, but not necessarily friendly. These are now common energy drinks, sugary fizzy drinks and foods rich in carbohydrates.
Flour products and white bread are also not helpful in this regard. Bread is best consumed from bran or rye, it contains useful B vitamins.
Avoid a variety of ready-made products, canned foods and semi-finished products such as sausages, sausages - remember that it is not mainly meat, but a storehouse of preservatives.
General recommendations
Foods should be cooked in such a way that they lose as little of their useful qualities as possible - it is steamed, boiled or steamed. Try a simpler dressing for salads - it's lemon juice or herbs. Mayonnaise, stay away from ketchup!
In conclusion, all the recommendations are aimed at creating a varied menu, almost everything, but a little. Natural substitutes should be preferred.
- Instead of sugar - honey, instead of sweets - dried fruits.
- Instead of a hot dog snack - nuts with dried fruit.
- Instead of sausages and canned - a piece of meat.
- Instead of a frying pan - double boiler.
Everything is about the transition to a healthy lifestyle.
At first glance, it may seem that this is very difficult and impossible, in most cases you are right, but it is possible, you just have to make an effort, because capacity building is a difficult task. Which you have to participate in and make an effort. A healthy lifestyle is the most effective way to treat erectile dysfunction without medication.